Service Coordination, by definition in the Texas Administrative Code, Title 40, Chapter 2, Sub-chapter L (402-L), is:

“assisting an individual in accessing medical, social, educational, and other appropriate services and supports that will help the individual achieve a quality of life and community participation acceptable to the individual.”

Service Coordination is about helping an individual put words to their dreams and then helping them find, access, and maintain services and supports necessary to work toward those dreams. An individual’s Service Coordinator (SC) should be considered a primary advocate who will look out for the individual’s best interests and whose focus is to help the individual fulfill their goals. Our service coordinators are trained in Person Centered Thinking and Person-Centered Plan Facilitation - -which means they ask you what you want and try to mold the plan of support around your goals and dreams. We do not prescribe services and supports based on what we think is best for you – we seek and coordinate services that help you be the person you want to be.

The SC will spend time with the individual to get to know them. The SC will ask questions about things the individual likes and can do. The individual’s SC will help the individual develop a planning team and help schedule and facilitate planning team meetings. The individual’s SC will develop a written plan, called a Person-Directed Plan (PDP), that includes those goals or outcomes the individual most desires to work toward. The individual’s SC will frequently communicate with the provider of services to ensure that the individual is getting and benefitting from the services and supports being provided. And should you have complaints about your service providers, your SC will help you resolve those complaints.

Service Coordination through the CDS has always been dedicated to working with HHSC, the Private Provider Association of Texas (PPAT), the Provider Alliance for Community Services of Texas (PACSTX), the Texas Council of Community Centers, local HCS, Texas home Living and Nursing Facility providers, individuals receiving services and their families in whatever way necessary to assure openness in activities and communication. As a result, we have built productive working relationships with providers and trusting relationships with consumers. And most of this work and trust is built through our strong team of Service Coordinators.

HHSC requires the LIDDA to provide Service Coordination in the General Revenue, TxHmL, HCS, Nursing Facility PASRR, and Community First Choice programs. Several rules and guidelines govern Service Coordination. In addition, each program within which SC is provided includes a section in their rule book or manual about LIDDA responsibilities around service coordination. Any questions about these responsibilities, or Service Coordination in general, should be directed to the Program Director of Service Coordination, who can be reached at 254-757-3933.