The Center for Developmental Services developed the Challenging Behaviors Program six years ago. This was the first opportunity to hire a Board Certified Behavior Analyst to formally assess the need and develop Behavior Support plans for individuals of all ages with challenging behaviors. Over time we applied for and received funding from the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services to provide a program explicitly serving Children with Autism. While this program is primarily clinic-based, both programs offer caregivers training in Behavior Support and communication techniques in the home setting. We now have two Behavior Analysts working in these programs, three Behavior Support Specialists who provide direct services in the programs, and an agreement with Baylor University’s Educational Psychology department to “hire” Graduate Assistants in the Behavior Analysis program to work as Behavior Support Specialists in both the CBP and the CAP. As was expected, the need for these services for adults and children is greater than the capacity to serve, so the referral process includes an expectation that there will be a period when the individual is waiting for services to begin.