The Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network (HOTBHN) provides direct support services in several programs, with the extent of and variety controlled by the specific programs. Provider Services operates on the principle of Person Centered Thinking and Planning, which means that people decide for themselves the services they want and need, giving us the responsibility of designing supports around those needs.   Direct services are available in the General Revenue (GR) Program, Home and Community Based Services (HCS), the Texas Home Living Waiver (TxHmL), the PASRR program, and in Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF\IID). We can also facilitate, through the LIDDA, services provided through Community First Choice.


HCS is a waiver service that requires eligibility for IDD services and Medicaid. Individuals in HCS can receive residential support in group homes or host home environments and live independently with family. Besides residential support, HCS has service options of Day Habilitation, Respite, Nursing, Behavior Support, and several other benefits exclusive to the HCS program. There are several ways an individual can receive a "slot" for HCS, but regardless of how a slot is received, the individual must be on the HCS Interest List before a place can be offered. The HCS Interest List is accessed through the intake department of the LIDDA at 254-757-3933.


TxHmL is a waiver program similar to the HCS program, except there is no group home or host home components in TxHmL. Instead, people in TxHmL live with their families and friends or on their own. All other services in HCS, including but not limited to Day Habilitation, Respite, Supported Employment, and Nursing, are available in TxHmL. There are also dental, adaptive aids, and minor home modification benefits to TxHmL, just like in HCS. Like HCS, there is an interest list for TxhmL that can be accessed through the intake department of the LIDDA at 254-757-3933.


ICF is a group home service provision model. Group homes are a home-like environment within which the individual's needs and wants are met. Individuals in the ICF group homes receive training in whatever they need and want to learn, whether it be how to take care of personal hygiene, clean a house, do laundry or cook, or look for a job. In addition, ICF group homes offer nursing services, day habilitation, social skills activities, and the opportunity to be an active part of the community. Staff in the ICF group homes are explicitly trained to work with individuals with IDD.


The short definition of respite, when applied to people with IDD, is "receiving a break from caregiver duties." Often the responsibility of taking care of someone with IDD is overwhelming. Still, by accessing respite, the caregiver is given a break from those responsibilities for a short period. Respite can be hourly or daily, overnight, in the family home, in a relative's home, or a respite facility operated by a program provider.


PAS/HAB is either doing things for people who can't do them for themselves or teaching people to do things they want to learn to do. The person with Intellectual Disability understands what is most important to them, and PAS HAB services are to be designed around that. PAS/HAB requires an extensive but comprehensive assessment with prescriptive hours based on the individual's abilities. Still, the goal is for the individual to get the support they need to gain independence and actively participate in the community.

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Services AND CHILDREN'S AUTISM PROGRAM (CAP)

These are Behavior Support programs. Individuals are referred based on their behaviors considered challenging (or problem). Behaviors are analyzed, and Behavior Support programs are developed and implemented to address those behaviors and to teach new skills or replacement behaviors. The CAP is for children aged 7-15 with a diagnosis of autism and includes focused clinical services at a higher intensity than is typical in a normal behavior support plan. Both programs include Board Certified Behavior Analysts and Behavior Support Specialists.