#TexansRecoveringTogether Helps Celebrate Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

For Immediate Release:

July 13, 2021

WACO, TX – Minority Mental Health Month has been recognized throughout July and initiated to bring understanding to the unique challenges that underrepresented groups face regarding mental illness in the US since 2008. #TexansRecoveringTogether is doing its part to help.

The COVID-19 pandemic created, and amplified, current stressors in our everyday lives. It has affected survivors of all socioeconomic levels, cultures, ethnic or racial minority status, genders, and ages. Our data shows 38% of survivors are aged between 18-39 years old, 67% of survivors are female, and over 41% of its callers have identified themselves as a part of a minority group. #TexansRecoveringTogether is a non- traditional crisis counseling program that offers survivors who have been directly or indirectly impacted by COVID-19, and the Winter Storm Disaster, with mental health and emotional support.

Paul Gionfriddo, Former President of Mental Health America has stated, “… When you fail entire races, classes, and cultures in building systems of care, alternative strategies and solutions will emerge ”

#TexansRecoveringTogether has been an alternative for countless Central Texans who have spoken with one of its diverse counselors.

Crisis counselors at #TexansRecoveringTogether connect survivors with short-term, outreach-based emotional support for:

  • Resource navigation
  • Grief support
  • Coping skills development
  • Psychoeducation
  • Problem solving
  • Linkage to available support groups (assessments, referral, etc.)

“An important part of the #TexansRecovering Together crisis counseling model is embracing the cultural and spiritual diversity of our six-county catchment area of McLennan, Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill and Limestone counties,” says Project Manager Vince Erickson. “We’re honored to serve and continue to engage in culturally relevant outreach activities that represent the communities we serve.”

We’re now offering Texas Winter Storm disaster support as well. Services are available toll-free at (866) 576- 1101 or visit our website at www.trthotccp.org.


Vince Erickson, Project Manager Vince.Erickson@hotrmhmr.org Cell: (254) 265-2030

Tanya Ledesma, Media Liaison Tanya.Ledesma@hotrmhmr.org Cell: (254) 640-5229