SAVE THE DATE: Oct. 7-8 for Weekend Fundraiser to Benefit IDD Consumers
WACO, TX – Save the weekend of October 7 and 8 for your chance to help some very special consumers at the Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network.
The agency’s “Helping Others Taking Initiative” program, known by the acronym HOTI, will be holding its annual Garage Sale—at the program’s Day Activity Center 312 South 4th Street. The event starts 7:30 both days and ends at 6 p.m. both days. The proceeds will benefit the agency’s Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities programs.
“HOTI serves individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities to provide them with an opportunity to be as independent as possible and provide experiences that help improve their quality of life,” said Chris Anderson, the HOTI Day Activity Coordinator. “HOTI began about 40 years ago providing consumers with IDD an opportunity to work. They provided work crews for picking up litter, recycling, and various other jobs. In addition to this, HOTI provided vocational training and contract work in a sheltered workshop. Over the years, HOTI has served hundreds of consumers, including day habilitation — providing life skills training.”
Anderson added all of the items that will be sold at the Garage Sale have been generous donations from the public. Items to be sold include clothing, toys, furniture, household items, and appliances. He added there is still time for anybody who wants to donate items for the Garage Sale to do so.
“Donations through the end of September should be provided to 312 S. 4th St, Waco, TX 76701, at the back door entrance with the ramp,” Anderson said. “Staff members will be available between 8:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to answer the doorbell and take the donations. The items are tax deductible.”
Vince Erickson, Director of Community and Governmental
Cell: (254) 265-2030
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