HOTBHN Celebrates Nat’l Children’s Mental Health Acceptance Week
WACO, TX – Children’s mental health sports a front and center spot on the calendar, with May 1 – 7 designated National Children’s Mental Health Acceptance Week. The Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network (HOTBHN) celebrates this milestone week by urging Central Texans to look for the warning signs that their children’s mental health may be jeopardized.
“We must do all we can to promote both the physical well-being of children and youth and the mental well-being of children and youth, said Tom Christian, Director of Grants and Special Projects for HOTBHN’s Klaras Center for Families. “Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week is a perfect time to highlight the mental health needs of young people in our community.”
Mental Health America says the following warning signs, among others, may indicate a need for professional assistance for a child:
- Decline in school performance
- Regular worry or anxiety
- Persistent nightmares
- Depression, sadness, or irritability
- Frequent temper tantrums
- Hyperactivity or fidgeting
Ron Kimbell, HOTBHN’s Klaras Center for Families (KCF) Director, says the staff is here to help.
“We have a long history of identifying and creatively addressing gaps in care for the children, youth, young adults, and families that it serves in Waco and the surrounding six counties,” Kimbell said. “It is in the spirit of raising awareness of mental health for children and young people that KCF undertakes its efforts to develop and implement programs to close gaps in the continuum of care.
“Supporting the mental health of children and youth is vital for not only the well-being of those served but also for their families and the community as a whole,” Kimbell added. “In working closely with our partners, including the local System of Care group, Our Community Our Future — has over the past several years added Child and Youth Crisis Respite, Transitional Age Youth, and School-Based Mental Health programming to its already-existing counseling, case management, and psychiatric service array.”
For complete information about KCF and all of HOTBHN’s programs, visit our website at
Tanya Ledesma,
Public Information Coordinator
Cell: (254) 640-5229
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