COVID-19 Mental Health Support Still Available Despite End Of Grant
WACO, TX – There is still help available for Central Texans who continue to cope with the direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 disaster, and it is only a click away.
#TexansRecoveringTogether, the free and anonymous outreach-based disaster counseling program provided through the Heart of Texas Behavioral Health Network, is still active even though the federal grant-funded program ended on January 30, 2022. The website,, was converted into what’s called a “legacy website”—to help people affected by the pandemic in Bosque, Falls, Freestone, Hill, Limestone and McLennan counties find community resources that can aide in their coping with and continued recovery from the COVID-19 and 2021 Texas Winter Storm federally-declared disasters.
“This was part of our plan from the very beginning,” said Vince Erickson, who was the Project Manager for the Heart of Texas #TexansRecoveringTogether program. “We want survivors to continue to get the information they may need about community supports throughout our six-county region, which is one of the cornerstones of the #TexansRecoveringTogether Crisis Counseling Program.”
Mr. Erickson added the Heart of Texas staff provided over 36,000 primary services from the start of the grant in March of 2020 through the grant’s end on January 30, 2022. He stressed the website offers a look at the legacy the staff was able to establish during the 22-month outreach-based program.
“You can see how many primary services our staff delivered in each county in the region. You can also see photos of our outreach events throughout the region as well,” Mr. Erickson said.
Erickson says the program’s toll-free phone line (866) 576-1101 will also direct disaster survivors to the website as well as the State COVID-19 Mental Health Support Line.
“The State Support Line will remain active through August 31, 2022,” Erickson said. “It is a toll-free call as well at 833-986-1919. Survivors can also text COVID to 832-479-2135. Both numbers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
Vince Erickson,
Division Director for Community & Governmental Affairs
Cell: (254) 265-2030
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